Friday, May 15, 2009

Plastic Bags

I'm all for saving the Anacostia, don't get me wrong. And the plight of the Chesapeake is deplorable. I'd also love it if we could, as a nation, become independent of fossil fuels. So, generally, yes. I agree. Plastic bags are a terrible thing. but when (if) the DC city council passes this $0.05-per-bag thing, pet owners across the city will suffer.

I need my plastic bags - I use one every day to scoop litter. Girl's giant dog creates some pretty nasty man-sized poo, which if she were to leave it on the sidewalk (and get caught doing so), entails a fine of something on the order of $50.

Ok, fine. You're right - I should man up and buy a couple of reusable bags. But I might start hoarding the free bags they hand out at the dog park. Just sayin'...

(Photo by Moriza, found on Flickr)

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